
Child Kidnapping Rife

Hundreds of children are abducted every year but so far the government has been unable to stop the problem.

15 Nov 05

Afghan Coup Claims Under Scrutiny

A crackdown on an alleged plot against the interim government may be just another phase in the war of nerves between its ethnic Tajik and Pashtun factions.

14 Nov 05

Constitutional Wrangling in Armenia

Despite revisions to the proposed constitution, the opposition is urging voters to reject it – but in the end, low turnout may pose a bigger risk.

4 Nov 05

Afghanistan: The Price of Beauty

Women influenced by television glamour are eager to spruce up their image - but their quest for beauty can result in disaster.

3 Nov 05

Labour of Love

Looted and smuggled antiques spanning the country's history are slowly returning to Kabul, thanks to the efforts of one man.

21 Oct 05
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