The ICTY Has Key Lessons for a Ukraine Tribunal
Realistic expectations will be needed to manage painfully slow and often disputed justice processes that are unlikely to contribute to reconciliation.
Ukraine: Rape as a Weapon of War
Legal expert warns that sexual violence is being used as a “tool of psychological terror, intimidation and torture”.
Tuesday, 9 August ‘22
This week’s overview of key events and links to essential reading.
Tuesday, 2 August ‘22
This week’s overview of key events and links to essential reading.
How Ukraine Will Find Justice
Concerted international action will be needed to hold senior figures to account.
Ukraine: Terrorising Civilians
Missile attacks on civilian targets key to proving allegations of war crimes committed on a mass scale.
Ukraine: Ensuring Fair Trial for War Captives
Steep learning curve for Ukrainian justice system now tasked with prosecuting complex crimes under international humanitarian law.
Ukraine’s Southern Counteroffensive
The Ukrainian army is slowly gaining ground with the aim of cutting Russian supply chains.
Azerbaijani Women Embrace The Headscarf
Islam is on the rise in the oil-rich, secular South Caucasus country and the hijab is a way to make a statement.
Global Voices: Europe/Eurasia
Editor's Picks
Ukraine Justice: “Reporting the Story is Just the Start”
Journalists need training and support to properly cover war crimes trials.
Ugandan Women Pay the Price of Exploitation
Activists warn that vulnerable domestic workers risk abuse, often returning with serious health conditions.
Harsh Victory at Position X
Commitment, sacrifice and luck secured a vital early win in the south-eastern campaign, but can Ukrainian forces press on?
Behind the Wheel in a Macho City
Some women face Adana's male-dominated traffic chaos for a living.
Life in the Shadows for Armenia’s Transgender Community
Recent murder highlights widespread discrimination and violence against LGBTI people.
Interview: The War on Disinformation
Open source intelligence (OSINT) can provide facts – but impatient, angry audiences often prefer opinions.