
Homeless in Yerevan

A decade and a half after the fighting ceased, many refugees are still waiting for proper housing.

12 Jun 09

Will Kokoity Deliver on Poll Pledges?

South Ossetian leader must improve living conditions for locals in wake of election or risk support switching to opposition, warn analysts.

5 Jun 09

Tajikistan's Social Orphans

Analysts say poverty and a culture of dependence on government prompts many parents to place their children in state-run homes.

15 May 09

Press Gangs Roam Tajikistan

As the twice-yearly conscription year draws to an end, some are casting doubt on the military’s claims that it was a resounding success.

15 May 09

War Memories From Another Age

Surviving veterans of the Second World War living in Tajikistan often find themselves living on the margins, in a society that has changed greatly since the end of the Soviet Union.

9 May 09
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