Central Asia

Kazakstan: Building a Future

No one denies the need for affordable housing - the question is whether the government can deliver on its promises to build it.

21 Feb 05

Tajikistan: Concern at New Islamic Group

Despite keeping a watchful eye on Islamic groups, officials say they failed to notice a radical organisation until the killing of a Christian preacher.

21 Feb 05

Kazaks and Kyrgyz at Odds Over Gas

The Kazaks say they’ll build a new pipeline to stop Kyrgyzstan taking their gas – but many believe it will never happen.

21 Feb 05

Uzbekistan Poised for Cotton Boom

Dazzled by the prospect of soaring profits on the world cotton market, the Uzbek government seems unlikely to share its good fortune with the impoverished workforce.

21 Feb 05

Enemy of the Press

Kazak leader, Nursultan Nazarbaev, has declared war on the independent media

21 Feb 05
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