Central Asia

Uzbek President Frees Jailed Activist

Whilst welcoming the release of Makhbuba Kasymova, human rights campaigners believe up to 6,000 political prisoners are still languishing in Uzbek jails.

22 Feb 05

The New 'Iron Curtain'

On the Uzbek-Kyrgyz border, travellers run the gauntlet of unmarked minefields and constant police harassment

22 Feb 05

Tajik Radicals Arrested

The arrest of Khizb-ut-Takhrir activists in Tajikistan reflects the state's concern over the group's rapid spread across the region

22 Feb 05

Uzbek Aids Timebomb?

The Tashkent authorities are beginning to address grave concerns over the spread of HIV in Uzbekistan

22 Feb 05

Rotating Kyrgyz Heads

Osh leaders change so frequently that residents barely get a chance to find out who they are

22 Feb 05
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