
Breaking a Vicious Cycle

Unaware of their rights and with nowhere to turn to, many victims of violence suffer in silence.

16 Dec 05

Defining Rights, Finding a Voice

With meaningful political influence a distant dream, the social consequences of effective disenfranchisement are dire.

16 Dec 05

Kazakstan: Much Talk, but no Revolution

The spectre of revolution is being used by both sides in the Kazak election campaign to scare each other, but it does not add up to much more than talk.

6 Dec 05

Passport Chaos in Tajikistan

The Tajik authorities withdraw a major concession for migrant workers in Russia shortly after announcing it, apparently because of hostility from nationalist politicians in Moscow.

3 Dec 05

Cool Welcome for Meskhetians

Muslims exiled by Stalin are to be legally entitled to go back at last, but convincing many Georgians this is a good idea is likely to be a difficult task.

23 Nov 05

Dramatic Protest in Kyrgyzstan

Dissatisfaction at government handling of a political murder case prompts victim's brother to set himself alight.

20 Nov 05
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