
Turkmenistan: State of Fear

Officials and ordinary citizens live in constant fear as the Turkmen president stamps on potential opposition - real or imagined.

21 Feb 05

Turkmen Treasury Out of Cash

Government cash shortage means that teachers, nurses and journalists haven’t been paid for months.

21 Feb 05

Turkmenistan: Good as Gold

Subservience to president reaches absurd levels as officials treat impromptu comments as repressive law.

21 Feb 05

Uzbekistan: Affluent Suicide Bombers

Alarming evidence that some of those involved in recent violence were from middle-class homes with no history of Islamic radicalism.

21 Feb 05

Kazakstan: Building a Future

No one denies the need for affordable housing - the question is whether the government can deliver on its promises to build it.

21 Feb 05

Tajikistan: Concern at New Islamic Group

Despite keeping a watchful eye on Islamic groups, officials say they failed to notice a radical organisation until the killing of a Christian preacher.

21 Feb 05
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