
Bomb Blasts Claim Heavy Toll

A spate of rebel bombings in occupied Chechnya has forced the Russian generals to rethink their tactics

15 Dec 00

Georgian Troops Move on 'Rebel Haven'

Moscow has been working hard to justify its controversial visa regime in Georgia but apparently President Shevardnadze has taken the hint

15 Dec 00

Russia Cracks the Whip

The threat of a visa regime has forced Azerbaijan to make strenuous efforts to placate the Kremlin

15 Dec 00

Tug of War

Russia and America play a tense game of political chess in the South Caucasus

8 Dec 00

Armenian Ghosts Haunt Istanbul

Relations between Turkey and Armenia take a turn for the worse as European leaders officially recognise the disputed genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915

8 Dec 00

Gunmen Raid Gantamirov's Home

Sentenced to death by the outlawed rebel government and locked in conflict with the Russian high command, Bislan Gantamirov has good reason to be paranoid

8 Dec 00

The Lost Land of Shapsugia

A new Russian law on "ethnic minorities" has given the Shapsug people fresh hope of reclaiming their historical homeland

8 Dec 00

Visa Threat Spurs Georgia into Action

Russia's plans to introduce visa regulations for Georgia are directly linked to claims that Chechen rebels are taking refuge in the former Soviet republic

1 Dec 00
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