
Azeri Street Kids Beg for Change

The number of kids begging on the streets of Baku is expected to rise dramatically when new social spending cuts are introduced.

30 Oct 01

Red Cross Pulling Out of Georgia

International Red Cross officials are to end their operation in the country after falling out with their Georgian partners.

27 Oct 01

Toying With War

Aid organisations use theatre to warn Chechen children of the dangers of untold numbers of mines and unexploded bombs.

27 Oct 01

Lights Go Out Over Georgia

Power cuts are a feature of Tbilisi winter life but residents have found ways and means of getting around the problem.

27 Oct 01

Baku Slashes Benefits

Government social security cutbacks will cause impoverished Azeris yet more hardship.

22 Oct 01

Russia Defuses Abkhaz Tensions

Moscow's pledge to withdraw its forces from Abkhazia by the end of the year lessens the likelihood of a new war in the region.

22 Oct 01

Armenia Faces Georgian Dilemma

Yerevan is attempting to stand up for the rights of its minority in Georgia, but is anxious not to fall out with Tbilisi over the issue.

22 Oct 01
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