
Azeri Press Feels Government Squeeze

Opposition paper faces string of lawsuits and fugitive journalist escapes extradition, in latest clashes between media and government.

12 Dec 02

Chechens Fight Deportation

Following the forced shutdown of one refugee camp in Ingushetia, displaced people in two others fear they will be the next to be sent back to Chechnya.

12 Dec 02

Abkhaz Prime Minister Ousted

The surprise dismissal of the prime minister and de facto leader of Abkhazia has transformed the political landscape in the breakaway republic.

5 Dec 02

North Ossetia Honours 'Pagan' Saint George

In their most important religious festival, North Ossetians freely mix the names of Saint George and the pagan God Uasturji - but should not drink too much vodka.

28 Nov 02
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