North Ossetia

The Land of Lost Content

COMMENT: An analysis of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict which continues to blight any attempts to bring the region out of the Soviet wilderness

29 Sep 00

Russian Propaganda Wears Thin

Why peoples across the Caucasus have been slow in voicing their support for their embattled ethnic kin in Chechnya

29 Sep 00

Hostages Relive Chechen Ordeal

Fears are growing that the Chechen rebels will attempt to break the military deadlock by seizing hostages and using them to bargain with the federal authorities

22 Sep 00

Polish 'Miracle Worker' Faces Uphill Task

Georgia's opposition is sceptical that President Shevardnadze's new economic advisor -- former Polish premier Leshek Baltserovich -- can reverse the downward spiral

22 Sep 00

Moscow's Muddled Thinking in Chechnya

Whilst the Kremlin is clearly disenchanted with the civilian administration in Chechnya, it feels compelled to support its chosen leader, the ex-mufti Akhmad Kadyrov

22 Sep 00

Baku Crushes 'Wahhabi' Gang

Reeling from a recent barrage of criticism, Azerbaijan demonstrates its commitment to the fight against international terrorism

22 Sep 00

Refugees Face Bleak Winter

Russia's own envoys are warning of impending disaster at the Chechen refugee camps as the cold weather sets in

15 Sep 00
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