North Ossetia

Freeing Iraq from Debt

Iraqis may have been liberated from Saddam Hussein, but they are not yet free of the punishing debt he left behind.

22 Feb 05

Comment: How Saddam Betrayed Us

All the sacrifices Iraqis made in the hope that things would get better were for nothing, says former navy officer.

22 Feb 05

Kazak Drugs Spiral

Kazak youngsters are being sucked into a spiral of petty crime and drug abuse

22 Feb 05

Kyrgyz Press Gangs

Kyrgyz army recruitment drive marred by press-gang accusations

22 Feb 05

Karzai Balancing Act

Afghan leader Hamid Karzai must ensure that his improving relations with India do not alienate Pakistan.

22 Feb 05

Kyrgyz Brain Drain

The ongoing economic crisis is driving many talented and highly qualified young people abroad.

22 Feb 05
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