
Famed war correspondent testifies for Blaskic

BBC war reporter turned politician Martin Bell MP, testifies on behalf of General Tihomir Blaskic who also took to the stand last week as the 145th witness in this marathon trial.

20 Feb 99

Measured Expectations in Kosovo

Pristina hopes for a settlement. But scepticism over the West’s inconsistency and fear of the Serbs’ arrogant behaviour ensure that no one in Kosovo will be surprised if the talks end in failure.

19 Feb 99

Forgetting the Bombs, for Now

With all eyes on France, few in Kosovo are paying attention to the continuing violence and kidnappings. Yet while the KLA stays ready for fresh fighting if the talks fail, the OSCE verifiers prepares to go.

19 Feb 99

The First Concessions

The visit of Serbian leader Milan Milutinovic to the Paris talks has been widely reported as an opportunity to reiterate hard-line positions. But whatever the outcome, Milosevic’s puppet actually helped the talks overcome some key initial obstacles.

19 Feb 99

The High Life

In Tirana, MPs refuse to let politics get in the way of business

19 Feb 99

External Excuses for an Internal War

The new governing coalition and the lame-duck presidential administration in Macedonia have settled into open warfare, and recent provocations over Kosovo and other issues led by President Gligorov risk opening serious rifts between Macedonian and Albania

19 Feb 99
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