
Mujahideen Resist Eviction

The planned eviction of mujahideen in northern Bosnia is threatening to turn into a major crisis.

21 Jul 00

Dodik Owns Up to Srebrenica

The Bosnian Serb prime minister's acknowledgement last week that a major crime had been committed at Srebrenica smacked of political pragmatism.

18 Jul 00

Albanians Spurn K-For

Relations between K-For and Albanians in Kosovo appear to be rapidly deteriorating

18 Jul 00

Montenegro On the Brink

Outraged by last week's changes to the Yugoslav constitution, the Montenegrin government has started preparing the ground for a referendum on independence.

14 Jul 00

Milosevic's Virtual Demise

Yugoslavs were this week disappointed to learn that an internet news site report on the death of President Slobodan Milosevic was a hacker's prank

14 Jul 00
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