
Celebici Appeal

The marathon Celibici trial of four men accused of crimes against Bosnian Serb detainees at a camp in Konjic, central Bosnia, appears to have some way to go, despite last week's appeals chamber judgement.

14 Feb 01

Milosevic Trial Looms

The Serbian government appears to be preparing the ground for the prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic

14 Feb 01

HDZ Obstructs Bosnian Assemblies

Bosnian Croat nationalists are set to clash with the international community over their boycott of Bosnian institutions

14 Feb 01

Omarska Camp Trial

Defence lawyers have taken less than three days - a tribunal record - to present their case on behalf of Milojica Kos, accused of crimes as a guard shift commander at the Omarska detention camp in north-west Bosnia in 1992.

14 Feb 01

Presevo Peace Plan Rejected

Albanian guerrillas operating in southern Serbia reject Belgrade peace proposals amid renewed fighting.

9 Feb 01
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