
Omarska Trial

Tribunal Update No. 175, Last Week in The Hague (8-13 May, 2000)

13 May 00

Milosevic Fortress Crumbles

Once considered a symbol of regime power, the town of Pozarevac is today more a symbol of its weakness.

12 May 00

Serbian Journalism on Trial

The arrest of Miroslav Filipovic came as part of a concerted campaign by the authorities to brand all independent journalists foreign mercenaries and spies

12 May 00

Students Protesters Side With Opposition

The Otpor student movement, arguably the most potent anti-government group in the country, may regret its decision to support the Serbian opposition.

5 May 00

Army Disaffection Grows

Detiorating conditions in the Yugoslav Army have prompted some of its ablest soldiers to quit.

5 May 00

Parallel Lives

Macedonia may have been spared inter -ethnic violence, but it remains a bitterly divided society.

5 May 00

Serbs' Pristina Misery

The remnants of Pristina's Serb population huddle together in a building guarded round-the-clock by KFOR troops.

5 May 00

Romanian Embargo Eases

Romania is hoping for an economic upturn after partially lifting its oil embargo against Yugoslavia.

2 May 00
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