
Phantom Serb Voters

Many in Serbia expect Milosevic will resort to fraud to secure victory in Sunday's elections.

22 Sep 00

Regime Targets Students

The Belgrade regime has turned the screws on the student movement Otpor in the run-up to this Sunday's elections

22 Sep 00

Life After Milosevic

Milosevic's rivals are hoping he's defeated this weekend, but some may end up regretting his departure.

22 Sep 00

Kandic Defies Regime

Human rights activist, Natasa Kandic, appears to have set herself on a collision course with the Belgrade regime

19 Sep 00

Serbian Politics: New Rules, Emerging Players

The following is the introduction to IWPR's guide to the Serbian elections: "OUT OF TIME: Draskovic, Djindjic and Serbian Opposition Against Milosevic". The publication is available free online, at,

18 Sep 00

Belgrade Election Frenzy

Belgrade is awash with political speculation and gossip in the run-up to elections later this month.

15 Sep 00
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