
Blighted Retirement

Pensioners are the group within Serbian society which has fared worst during the past decade, yet they are now expected to tighten their belts once again.

17 May 05

Milosevic's 'Hidden Billions'

While the Yugoslav President has undoubtedly stashed away a tidy sum for a rainy day, it's probably not as much money as the speculators believe.

17 May 05

Seselj On The Sidelines, Waiting For His Moment

While Serbia's many opposition politicians attempt to oust Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic by a campaign of street protests, another pretender sits and waits - Vojislav Seselj.

17 May 05

State Serves Up Fresh Insults Daily In New War Of Invective

The state media is whipping up traditional Serb homophobia by accusing the opposition of 'suspected attraction to the same sex'. It's just part of a strategy to further divide and demoralize critics of the regime, and now the police are playing the same g

17 May 05

Kosovo House Sales Cement Ethnic Divide

Property prices are shooting up on Kosovo's border with Serbia and speculators moving in as ethnic Albanians from Serbia proper move south to purchase the homes of departing Serbs.

17 May 05

Yugoslav Military Flex Muscles In Montenegro

The stand off at Podgorica airport last week highlighted a stream of small-scale confrontations between Belgrade and Podgorica that is increasingly successfully undermining Montenegro's efforts to make its own way in the Balkans.

17 May 05

Albania And Kosovo Celebrate Independence Day

Albania is reluctant to openly support the Kosovo Albanian demands for independence but Albanians on both sides of the border threw themselves into celebrations for Albania's first official Independence Day on November 28.

17 May 05
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