
Smugglers Making Small Fortunes

For jobless men in Raska, the trade in contraband goods across the border between Serbia and Kosovo is a lifeline.

2 Aug 05

Language Battle Divides Schools

Plans to introduce Bosnian language classes in schools have angered Serb nationalists and leave most locals puzzled.

2 Aug 05

Border Threatens Bosniak Community

If Montenegro becomes independent, an international frontier will run through the middle of Sandzak, cutting the Bosniak community into two

2 Aug 05

Comment: Tadic in Kosovo

A visit to Kosovo by Serbia’s president was a missed opportunity to heal old wounds.

2 Aug 05

Tadic Reaches Out to Kosovo Serbs

A vist to Kosovo by Serbia's president is being seen as an attempt at reconciliation with the protectorate's isolated Serb community.

2 Aug 05

Romanian Gold Project Stalled

Foreign investment to revive old gold-mining town on hold because of political and ecological objections.

2 Aug 05
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