
Comment: Serbia Enters New Era

The criminal apparatus that destroyed so many lives is crumbling, as the truth about its horrific deeds emerges.

22 Feb 05

Finding a New Role

Having opposed the war, the UN begins to think about a role in the aftermath.

22 Feb 05

Kurds Go Back to the Future

Life in Iraqi Kurdistan is returning to normal, with prices falling and students going back to school.

22 Feb 05

UN Balks at Post-Taleban Role

United Nations officials are horrified by US talk of the deployment of UN peacekeepers in Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taleban.

21 Feb 05

Taleban Defections

Messengers are said to be criss-crossing the frontlines in north-east Afghanistan to negotiate the defections of Taleban commanders and their men.

21 Feb 05

US Planes Carpet-bomb Taleban

Sitting in the ruined control tower of Bagram air base, a Northern Alliance commander watches US planes carpet-bomb his enemies.

21 Feb 05

Taleban Donkey Racket

Some Taleban commanders are making a fortune out of donkey convoys supplying Northern Alliance-held territory.

21 Feb 05
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