
A New Chance For Inter-Ethnic Relations

VMRO-DPMNE candidate Boris Trajkovski swung last month's presidential elections in Macedonia, despite allegations of vote fraud, notably in the west of the country. But what does it mean for ethnic harmony in the country?

10 Nov 05

Vuk Draskovic's Fledgling 'Falcons'

On December 7, the opposition Serbian Renewal Movement announced plans to form a special unit to 'counter the threat of state terrorism'. They have a military-sounding name - the Falcons - but they don't have guns. Yet.

10 Nov 05

Unprecedented Political Crisis Hits Romania

Having survived a year of often violent anti-government demonstrations, Romania's prime minister has been ousted from office just as his administration grabs the prize of EU accession talks.

10 Nov 05

Serb 'Illegals' Operate Behind Enemy Lines In Kosovo

Despite denials from all sides it appears the Yugoslav Army (VJ) has left several officers behind in the north of Kosovo. But are these so-called Serbian 'illegals' abducting foreign journalists and aid workers?

10 Nov 05

Insecurity In Kosovo - The Fear Of Death

The escalating crime plaguing post-conflict Kosovo is forcing the people of Peja to abandon their streets before nightfall. Patience is wearing thin with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and its failure to deliver security.

10 Nov 05

'Controlled' Chaos In Kosovo

On December 13 the UN witnessed a pact setting up an Interim Administration with space for both Hashim Thaci and Ibrahim Rugova around its table. But can more Albanian involvement in the executive halt the escalating violence plaguing the province?

10 Nov 05

Kosovar on Contempt Charge

Prosecutor claims that witnesses were pressured to withdraw statements against KLA commander.

9 Nov 05

Haggling Over Bosnia

Former aide to Croatian president gives inside story of Milosevic’s hand in carve-up of Bosnia and Croatia.

9 Nov 05
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