Bosnia and Herzegovina

G17 'Experts' Ponder The Big Problem - What About Milosevic?

A group of economists have come up with an idea to steer Serbia back to normality and international acceptance. The church, the opposition and the Montenegrins all support it in principle. But how will they deal with Slobodan Milosevic?

23 Jul 99

'Shoot First, Live Longer'

Returning Yugoslav soldiers give their accounts of brutality, courage and despair in the failed war to save Kosovo.

21 Jul 99

The Lost City Of Srebrenica

Four years on from the wartime horrors of Srebrenica, the town is still in despair. Its Serbian residents do not wish to live there and its former Muslim citizens will not return.

16 Jul 99

Rival Frustrations

Open discontent within the security forces is growing, as Yugoslav soldiers express bitterness over low pay, poor prospects and military defeat.

13 Jul 99
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