Bosnia and Herzegovina

Milosevic's Forbidden City

Deep in the forests of Mount Cnri Vrh a villa used by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic sits above a mysterious underground complex

22 Aug 00

Bosnian Police Arrest Top Muslim Tycoon

The televised arrest of a high-profile Muslim businessman, the latest drama to unfold in Bosnia's recent crackdown on corruption, may prove to be little more than a pre-election ploy.

10 Aug 00

Montenegrin War Games

Fear is mounting in Montenegro that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic could mount military operations against the republic, the smaller partner in the Yugoslav federation, as early as this autumn.

10 Aug 00

Pre-election Mischief in Bosnia

Recent violence in Bosnia may be part of an orchestrated campaign to increase ethnic tension and mistrust in advance of general elections

1 Aug 00
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