Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anatomy of an Arrest

The farcical arrest of Slobodan Milosevic exposed tensions between the police and army

12 Apr 01

Srebrenica Trial

Bosnian generals speak of the Sarajevo government's tactical mistakes

7 Apr 01

Milosevic Arrested

Slobodan Milosevic surrenders to police, ending a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade

5 Apr 01

Croat Troops Mutiny

Tension mounts in Bosnia as Croat officers leave the Federation army

23 Mar 01

Blagoje Simic Surrenders

Blagoje Simic last week appeared before judge Patrick Robinson to plead not guilty to charges of ethnic cleansing in Bosanski Samac, just three days after voluntarily surrendering to the tribunal.

17 Mar 01
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