Bosnia and Herzegovina

ANALYSIS: Srebrenica Report Soft On Dutch Failings

The latest investigation into the 1995 massacre of Muslims in a UN "safe haven" has brought about the resignation of the entire Dutch government and a top army general, but it still lets the troops off rather lightly.

13 Apr 02

Owning Up to Srebrenica

Now that the Dutch have owned up to their role in the Srebrenica massacre, surely it's time for the former Bosnian warring factions to take a good hard look at the atrocity and the events that preceded it.

12 Apr 02

Bosnia: Ten Years On

A decade after the outbreak of war, Bosnia is at peace but remains mired in petty political struggles and almost hopeless poverty.

12 Apr 02

Bosnia: Serb Judiciary in Tatters

After 10 years of steadily declining standards in the courts, Bosnian Serb leaders are waking up to the need to get politicians off the backs of judges.

10 Apr 02

Mladic Holed Up in Montenegro

Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica and his federal military chiefs advised Hague indictee Ratko Mladic to go into hiding.

10 Apr 02

ANALYSIS: Morals Don't Earn Money

Serbia's prime minister has betrayed the hopes of those who expected a change in morality to accompany the change of regime after the fall of Slobodan Milosevic

6 Apr 02
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