
Restoring Nation's Cultural Heritage

While the authorities call for the return of looted artefacts, archaeologists plan new digs to replenish their depleted stock of treasures.

21 Feb 05

Hazara Clash with Police

Members of Hazara community in Kabul district attack police after accusing officers of trying to kidnap a local woman.

21 Feb 05

New Front in Afghan Politics

Political alliance espousing democratic values set to launch as counterweight to religious and ethnic-based parties.

21 Feb 05

Women Tune into Progress

A new radio station for women is seen by them as yet another breakthrough in their quest for greater rights.

21 Feb 05

War of Words in Kabul

Bitter rivalry between pro-westerners and mujahedin spilling over on to the pages of the capital’s newspapers.

21 Feb 05

Arrests Spook New Coalition

Pro-democracy politicians discouraged from joining new progressive movement after the arrest of some of its founding members.

21 Feb 05

War Nerves Shake Kabul

There are fears that the US attack on Iraq will shift international attention away from Afghanistan.

21 Feb 05

Women Boosted by New Mosque

The first mosque in Afghanistan to make provision for female worshippers is taking shape in central Kabul.

21 Feb 05
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