
Unlikely Afghan Liberators

The US is undecided whether to throw its weight behind the potentially fractious Northern Alliance.

21 Feb 05

The Taleban Response

Will the Taleban regime be able to mount effective resistance to American-led attacks?

21 Feb 05

Afghan Aid in Jeopardy

Western relief workers may struggle to assist civilians uprooted by fighting in Afghanistan.

21 Feb 05

Uzbekistan: The Yanks are Coming

The arrival of US personnel in southern Uzbekistan has turned the lives of local people and Uzbek servicemen upside down.

21 Feb 05

Afghan Media Circus

Western media have been overwhelmed by speculation about what is really happening in Afghanistan because hard facts are few and far between.

21 Feb 05

New US/Uzbek Pact

Uzbekistan may now be linked to the world's most powerful nation, but its defences remain fragile.

21 Feb 05

Musharraf Feared Rebellion

Pakistan's leader feared a coup by pro-Taleban army officers, after pledging support for the US-led anti-terrorist campaign.

21 Feb 05

Taleban Defections

Messengers are said to be criss-crossing the frontlines in north-east Afghanistan to negotiate the defections of Taleban commanders and their men.

21 Feb 05
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