
Salary Scandal Shuts Schools

Young Aghans are eager to learn in spite of a book and schoolroom shortage – but now their unpaid teachers are leaving the profession.

3 Mar 05

The New Breadwinners

Kabul’s bereaved and brutalised women are selling bread on the streets to win back their independence and dignity.

3 Mar 05

Families Fear Cruel Winter

Thousands of families living in bombed-out shells across the capital are already feeling the chill.

3 Mar 05

Afghans at the Olympics

After missing the 2000 games entirely, Afghanistan has produced a squad that includes women for the first time.

3 Mar 05

Video Salons Crack Down

Accused of allowing young men to view movies containing sex and violence, local and national agencies join forces to put them out of business.

3 Mar 05
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