Opinion: When will the Arms Disappear?

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Opinion: When will the Arms Disappear?

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Friday, 31 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Because of his aggressive policy and his dictatorial style in ruling Iraq, Saddam has changed the country in to an arsenal of weapons. He has spread the armament culture by establishing more than ten security forces departments outside of the police and the army, which he equipped with different kinds of weapons and whose buildings were used to torture and detain innocent people. The former regime has changed the country to an armed state where weapons can be seen everywhere, especially during the two Gulf wars. Even when the wars were over, the regime kept showing arms scenes on TV and shooting in the air on Tuesdays in the schools in the banner raising activity. With the downfall of the regime, many organized crime groups stole weapons through looting (of government offices,) and weapons' smugglers now use them in acts of sabotage and terrorism. Even the children's toys include pistols, tanks and rifles; they try to imitate what they watch on TV. We need to launch a campaign to erase the armament culture that has overwhelmed the houses and streets.
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