Clerics Set Terms for Joining Reconciliation Plan

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Clerics Set Terms for Joining Reconciliation Plan

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Monday, 28 August, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Hassan al-Janabi, a member of parliament for the National Accord Front, said on August 27 that the Muslims Clerics' Association had four conditions for taking part in the national reconciliation plan announced by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Janabi said the association's head Sheikh Harith al-Dhari, whom he is due to meet, is prepared to negotiate as long as four conditions are observed: a timetable for the departure of forces, a revision of the law on de-Baathification, an acceptance that the resistance has a basis to it, and an end to work on the constitution. Janabi noted that these terms were also set out at a conference of tribal leaders which took place in Baghdad on August 26.
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