Abdul-Mahdi Urges Implementing the Constitution

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Abdul-Mahdi Urges Implementing the Constitution

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Wednesday, 29 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Vice-president Adil Abdul-Mahdi called for all involved parties to help investigate the (killings) at al-Mustafa mosque so that the motives behind the attack could be made public and those who carried out the attack could be punished. He called on all political leaders, the Iraqi government and the multinational forces to cooperate to stop this tragedy of bloodshed. Abdul-Mahdi called for blocking those who fish in still water in their attempts to stop the political and democratic process. He urged all local and international parties to revise their announcements which should not pouring oil on the fire. He insisted that the constitution must be implemented to end the chaos and to find quick and proper solutions to Iraq's problems. (The US and Iraqi military reported that they killed 16 insurgents in a joint US-Iraqi raid led by Iraqi special forces on Sunday. Shia leaders said the forces attacked a Shia mosque and killed unarmed worshippers.)
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