Editorial: Terrorism condemned

Islah is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.

Editorial: Terrorism condemned

Islah is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.

Friday, 14 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Taleban militants have recently stepped up hit-and-run attacks in various parts of the country. As well as suicide attacks, raids on schools, health centres and district government headquarters have also increased. There were attacks in two districts of the eastern province of Nuristan and several rockets were fired at a newly-reconstructed school in the south-eastern province of Khost, damaging the building. The most shocking incidents were an attack on a health clinic in the north-western province of Badghis, where five health workers were killed and a clinic building and vehicle torched; and a rocket which hit a school in the eastern province of Kunar and left six children dead and more than 20 injured. These attacks have shocked and angered all Afghans. In the Badghis incident, the terrorists attacked people who had no aim except to provide medical services to local residents. If we look at the history of warfare, we see that no side has ever attacked people wearing white hospital robes, because doctors help the injured and provide first aid. We strongly denounce these attacks and we call on concerned government agencies to track down the perpetrators. Meanwhile, we also urge the brave Afghan nation to help prevent destructive attacks launched by their enemies.
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