Karzai's one-year examination

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Karzai's one-year examination

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Friday, 16 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Just one year ago, Hamed Karzai took power as the elected leader of Afghanistan. The obstructionist policies pursued by the Taleban regime isolated Afghanistan from the community of nations, and social and political structures were destroyed. Today’s Afghanistan has not only become a common home for all Afghans, but its prestige has also been restored among the international community. The Taleban closed the doors of educational institutions and confined the women to their homes, whereas today Afghan women can play a role in all sectors of society and in the reconstruction of their country. Yesterday’s Afghanistan was not only a safe haven for terrorists but was also occupied by Pakistan, while now it is a graveyard for terrorists and Islamabad’s malicious designs have been foiled. However, under Karzai’s leadership the country has had its ups and downs and its challenges. Security is a daunting task which has not been achieved, although the troops of the government and its foreign friends have been trying to ensure it across the country. Taleban and other anti-government militants have not been completely marginalised, and the insurgency continues in parts of the country. Poverty is on the rise and the gap between rich and poor is widening. If these trends continue, the people of Afghanistan will face more problems in the remaining four years of the president’s term. It is for the head of state to learn the lessons of the past and lead the country towards prosperity.
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