Editorial: Social responsibilities of women

The Kabul Times is a state-run daily published in English.

Editorial: Social responsibilities of women

The Kabul Times is a state-run daily published in English.

Friday, 21 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

From the very beginning of mankind on the earth, when the first communities had just emerged, women took leadership of those communities and carried out communal affairs with aplomb. The women, along with their fathers, husbands, brothers and other members of the community worked hard ploughing the land and cultivating various kinds of grains. There was no discrimination between man and woman when it came to communal work. Women were free and enjoyed equal rights with men. Women were not abused but were kind rulers, good wives and compassionate mothers. However, the communities and the position of women in them gradually changed during the course of history and men became harsh rulers of societies. This has continued until the emergence of modern societies. Women began to be treated like slaves. Baby girls were buried alive in Saudi Arabia or sold as property. In spite of all those atrocities, women have fought to secure their rights. At present, women have proved themselves partners of men in building a world free of discrimination in which all people enjoy life irrespective of gender, race, colour or nationality, having the same rights and privileges.
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