Tribal Leaders Urge Arabs to Stop Violence in Basra

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Tribal Leaders Urge Arabs to Stop Violence in Basra

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

Monday, 5 June, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Arab League has expressed its concerns about the deteriorating security situation and the escalation of violence in Basra, calling on all parties to maintain self-control and avoid sectarian conflict. An Arab League source said it received letters from tribal leaders in Basra, calling on Arabs to immediately interfere to halt the random killings and the deteriorating security situation that could lead to a sectarian conflict. The Arab League expressed hope that the Iraqi government could contain the crisis to keep the Iraqi people united. Sectarian violence has exploded in Basra for months. Prime minister Nuri al-Maliki announced a state of emergency in Basra and pledged to use an iron fist against gangs instigating violence.
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