Opinion: Peace be Upon You

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Opinion: Peace be Upon You

Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.

Friday, 12 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraqis expect their new government to provide them with essential services like electricity, oil products, fuel and drinking water. We know that this cannot be done as quickly as we want because the government does not have the power or a magic wand to complete these tasks. In addition, the unstable security situation adversely affects the government's ability to serve the people the way they want. We hope the government can establish a modern security plan to fight terror, corruption and the destruction of infrastructure by issuing laws that prohibit armed clashes, as the sacred Marja'iya (Shia religious leaders) in Najaf has instructed. The terrorists have recently targeted the elite -- doctors, engineers and journalists -- because the government does not fully control security. We ask all officials, including the prime minister, to tackle the proponents of terror, destruction and corruption that want to make Iraq into a battlefield and a safe haven for the blasphemers. We know that the authorities and the people should work together to achieve this goal. Iraqis need to unite to avoid the country's plight, as it is what the terrorists want.
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