Mullah Omar is on the Afghan side of the border – Musharraf

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Mullah Omar is on the Afghan side of the border – Musharraf

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Wednesday, 1 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Pakistani president General Pervez Musharraf has said Taleban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar is in Afghanistan. He also said Pakistan would plant mines and erect fences along the border to stop the infiltration of Taleban and al-Qaeda militants into Afghanistan. He said he had spoken to the Afghan and United States presidents about this issue. Musharraf said Pakistan has spared no effort in the war on terror, and continues to hunt for Taleban and al-Qaeda militants. During his recent trip to Pakistan, Afghan president Hamed Karzai opposed the idea of erecting barbed-wire fences along the frontier, saying such a measure would split the two nations.
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