Suicide bomber kills himself in Mazar-e-Sharif

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Suicide bomber kills himself in Mazar-e-Sharif

Arman-e-Milli is an independent daily run by a group of journalists.

Thursday, 15 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A suicide bomber blew himself up near the crowded shrine of Hazrat Ali in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif on December 14. According to eyewitnesses, the explosion took place at 1:40 pm, and the bomber was blown to pieces. Salahuddin Sultan, head of the crime prevention office at Balkh provincial police headquarters confirmed the incident, noting that people flock to the shrine on Wednesdays and the bomber presumably wanted to cause massive casualties, but his bomb went off before he was ready.
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