Wahidullah Amani

Stories by the Author

Afghans Speak Out on US Vote

Many say they support President Bush because he led to the ouster of the Taleban, but other hope John Kerry might bring about a review of US policies.

2 Mar 05

US Election Eye-opener in Kabul

Afghan reporters surprised at frank debate between political rivals and high levels of support for the opposition in United States election.

2 Mar 05

Poppies Retain Powerful Hold

Despite renewed pledges by the government to eradicate the drug trade, those who produce the raw material for heroin insist they have no alternative.

2 Mar 05

Drug Use Increasing Among the Young

A nation better known for supplying narcotics to the world market is discovering it has an increasing drugs problem in its own back yard.

2 Mar 05

Kabulis Vent Grievances

Protest over government's record on pay and employment also hears anti-American sentiments.

21 Feb 05
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