Petar Lukovic

Stories by the Author

Opposition Romp Home

Judging by preliminary and unofficial results, Milosevic and his clique have suffered an absolute and catastrophic defeat.

26 Sep 00

The Milosevic Show

With only 16 days to go, the Milosevic bandwagon rolls ever closer to the inevitable election victory fanfare.

8 Sep 00

Milosevic's Virtual Demise

Yugoslavs were this week disappointed to learn that an internet news site report on the death of President Slobodan Milosevic was a hacker's prank

14 Jul 00

Civil War Gets Off to a Flying Start

With the closure of its independent media, Serbia has moved a step closer to what even the most optimistic now see as unavoidable - civil war.

19 May 00

The March 9 Legacy

Serbs feel despair and bitterness on the anniversary of a demonstration, which threatened to overthrow the Milosevic regime nearly ten years ago.

7 Mar 00

Long Live The People's Reconstruction

Serbia is rebuilding its bridges - and its minds. Academics are reviving the spirit of Brezhnev. China supports Yugoslav Prime Minister Momir Bu La To Vic. And our president boasts: "Our country is the freest and most democratic in the world."

13 Jul 99

The Media War, Round II

Belgrade's attack on the media in Serbia has been successful. No opposition views are possible, and Serbia now speaks with one voice, that of Slobodan Milosevic.

18 Mar 99
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