Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Troops Come To Prevlaka

Since 1992, the dispute over this uninhabited peninsula has remained low key but deadlocked, and talks got nowhere -- leaving Milosevic another card to play against Croatia and Montenegro. This week, he checked his hand.

23 Apr 99

Macedonia Unravels

KLA arms caches, Serbian pro-Milosevic demonstrators, and friction between Skopje and the West. The signs are ominous for the fragile republic.

23 Apr 99

Creeping Coup In Montenegro

Podgorica is distancing itself further from Belgrade--and from the Yugoslav Army, which it feels poses a direct threat.

23 Apr 99

NATO Strikes Home

By an IWPR Correspondent in Belgrade (BCR No 23, 22-Apr-99)

22 Apr 99
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