Institute for War & Peace Reporting


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گه‌مه‌ سیاسیه‌كه‌ی مالیكی

ره‌نگه‌ ئیختیاری مالیكی بۆ ئه‌و لایه‌نه‌ی‌ هاوپه‌یمانێتی له‌گه‌ڵ ده‌كات كاریگه‌ریه‌كی زۆری هه‌بێت له‌سه‌ر هه‌ڵبژاردنه‌وه‌ی وه‌ك سه‌ره‌ك وه‌زیران.

29 Sep 09

Migrants Wait Crisis Out in Russia

Fewer migrant workers than anticipated have come back to Kyrgyzstan from abroad, and reporter Nurlan Abdaliev went to the Russian city of Novisibirsk to find out how the rest are weathering the ongoing economic crisis.

29 Sep 09
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