Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Milosevic Arrest

Hague not expecting Milosevic's extradition any time soon

1 Apr 01

Foca Prison Trial

Former inmates provide more harrowing accounts of prison life

1 Apr 01

Milosevic Arrest Deadline Nears

Belgrade still appears reluctant to arrest former president Slobodan Milosevic, as the clock ticks away on a US deadline for his detention.

17 Mar 01

Blagoje Simic Surrenders

Blagoje Simic last week appeared before judge Patrick Robinson to plead not guilty to charges of ethnic cleansing in Bosanski Samac, just three days after voluntarily surrendering to the tribunal.

17 Mar 01

Milosevic trial

There's still uncertainty over where Milosevic will be tried.

10 Mar 01

Vujin contempt case

Belgrade lawyer Milan Vujin ordered to pay fine for contempt of court

3 Mar 01

Dubrovnik indictment

Prosecutors confirm existence of sealed indictment for Dubrovnik crimes

3 Mar 01
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