Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Hiding Under The Black Rain

Ecologists say the authorities in Serbia are concealing the extent of the ecological and health threats caused by NATO bombing.

10 Nov 05

Cacak's Voice Of Reason

Opposition Mayor Velimir Ilic made a triumphant return at the first post-war anti-Milosevic rally, setting the stage for further demonstrations in other cities within Serbia.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo's New Masters Slow To Learn From Bosnia Experience

Heads of states who met Friday in Sarajevo to discuss a stability pact for the Balkans, will be ill-advised to use the West's experience in Bosnia as a model for Kosovo without a full and frank appraisal of their failures there.

10 Nov 05

Reinforcements in the Sandzak

Additional troops deployed in the Muslim-dominated region of Serbia have raised fears that Milosevic may stir up fresh conflict in his own backyard.

10 Nov 05

Serbia's Forgotten Martyrs

Once the Serbian media portrayed them as martyrs whose plight demanded war against Croats, Muslims and Albanians. Today, the forgotten victims of Belgrade's drive for a Greater Serbia, they live in squalor in collective centres in Serbia where mental illn

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Bides its Time

This week's meetings between Serbia and Montenegro have left the small republic in a state of confusion. Is Djukanovic backing slowly away from the idea of independence or buying himself space and time to cut free from the federation?

10 Nov 05
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