Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Turkmen Teachers Sweep the Streets

The Soviet “subbotnik” and “voskresnik” – weekend days when people had to turn out for voluntary work – are alive and well in Turkmenistan. Nowadays, though, the practice has evolved into an absurd system where everyone seems to be doing someone else’s jo

31 Oct 06

Local Elections Fail to Impress

Turkmenistan’s central election commission reported a high turnout in all 1,153 constituencies in the July 28 local elections, and declared the outcome a victory for pluralism and transparency. The ballot showed that President Saparmurat Niazov’s constitu

31 Oct 06

Population Held Down by Total Surveillance

In Turkmenistan, anyone who uses the internet, travels abroad or does anything else that could be construed as suspicious is subject to surveillance by the ever-watchful National Security Ministry.

31 Oct 06

Classical Music Training Slashed

Although a decision to cut the number of musical schools and academies in Turkmenistan by more than half has been justified by talk of a funding shortfall, the move is being seen as part of an official policy of eradicating the Soviet past, in which young

31 Oct 06

Pensions with Strings Attached

The local authorities in Turkmenabat have found an unusual way to show that the private sector is booming: they are forcing pensioners to sign up as small businessmen and making them pay for a license to operate.

31 Oct 06
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