Stories by the Author

Naser Oric

By Merdijana Sadovic in The Hague (TU No 397, 11-Mar-05)

5 Dec 05

Ramush Haradinaj

Although a popular prime minister, the ex-KLA commander could not shake rumours of criminal activity and involvement in civilian deaths.

5 Dec 05

Grabovica Survivors Testify

Units under Muslim army commander’s control terrorised and killed Croat villagers, witnesses claim.

18 Nov 05

Countries Vie for Vukovar Case

Chief prosecutor asks for sensitive case to be transferred to local court – but does not specify whether Serbia or Croatia should host the trial.

18 Nov 05

Delic Indictment Unsealed

Top Muslim commander agrees to travel to The Hague as news of the charges provokes anger in Bosnia.

18 Nov 05

Milan Gvero

Indicted general acted as Ratko Mladic’s unofficial spokesman before and after attacks on Srebrenica and Zepa.

18 Nov 05

Gvero Trial to Probe Zepa Fate

Indictment against Milan Gvero examines the Bosnian Serb offensives that emptied two Muslim enclaves under United Nations protection.

18 Nov 05
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