Contempt Journalist Enters Plea

(TU No 472, 13-Oct-06)

Contempt Journalist Enters Plea

(TU No 472, 13-Oct-06)

Friday, 20 October, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Domagoj Margetic, a Croatian freelancer who was indicted on September 11 this year for allegedly revealing the identities of protected witnesses in a war crimes trial, entered his plea at his initial appearance before the court on October 13.

Margetic stands accused of revealing the names of witnesses who testified under protective measures in the trial of the Bosnian Croat general Tihomir Blaskic. In a statement last month, the tribunal said that through his actions, Margetic "undermines confidence in the Tribunal's ability to grant effective protective measures".

At the initial appearance, Presiding Judge Alphons Orie read the one count of the indictment against Margetic.

“It is an indictment with one count only. The indictment is very much focusing on what happened this summer,” he said.

The judge asked Margetic if he had had the chance to discuss the indictment with his defence counsel, Zagreb-based defence attorney, Dijana Tomasevic-Tomic, who was representing the client for this hearing only.

“Indeed,” he replied.

Margetic’s defence counsel confirmed that her client understood the indictment against him. She added that Margetic was “in bad health right now and that’s why he finds it difficult to rise”. She asked if he could remain seated throughout the hearing - a request which Judge Orie granted.

The judge explained to Margetic that although he had 30 days to submit his plea, he would “have an opportunity to do so” immediately, which Margetic accepted.

When the judge asked him how he would like to plead on this count, Margetic replied, “Not guilty, your honour.”

Judge Orie said that the chamber was considering a trial date in mid November - a proposal which neither the prosecution nor the defence objected to.

The judge also issued an order aimed to stop the accused and his defence from revealing any material disclosed to them by the prosecution.

“I understand the court’s order in its entirety and I intend to abide by it,” said the accused.

Margetic was previously indicted by the tribunal for publishing Croatian president Stjepan Mesic's secret testimony in the Blaskic case in the Croatian weekly, Novo Hrvatsko Slovo, but the charges were later dropped.
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