Parliamentarians Urge Release of Kidnapped Colleague

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Parliamentarians Urge Release of Kidnapped Colleague

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Wednesday, 5 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Political blocs in the Iraqi parliament have asked kidnappers to release their colleague Tayseer al-Mashhadani of the National Accord Front. They also urged the government to amend the security plan to make it tougher, and called on Iraqis to reject divisions and sectarianism of all kinds so as to avoid civil war. The call was made by Hassan al-Senaid of the United Iraqi Alliance. He also asked the National Accord Front to end its boycott of parliament [caused by al-Mashhadani’s abduction] and to start attending sessions again. Parliament cancelled its July 4 session due to the absence of many members.
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