Many Familiar Faces in Cabinet Reshuffle

Many Familiar Faces in Cabinet Reshuffle

Tuesday, 3 April, 2007


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A new government was formed on April 2 following Almazbek Atambaev’s appointment as the new prime minister of Kyrgyzstan. Among those dismissеd are the First Deputy Prime Minister Daniyar Usenov and the minister for emergency Situations, Janysh Rustenbekov. But most others, most notably those in charge of law enforcement and the military, kept their jobs. New appointments include Turatbek Junushaliev as minister for emergency situations; former Central Election Commission chief Tuygunaaly Abdraimov as health minister; and Temirbek Kurmanbekov, formerly head of the tax service in Bishkek, who becomes chairman of the State Tax and Revenue Committee.

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