Editorial: Let Us Be One Hand

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari.

Editorial: Let Us Be One Hand

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari.

Friday, 17 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Over the last few days, the terrorists have escalated their criminal operations against innocent civilians in poor districts like Sadr City, Zafaraniya and neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Baghdad. They used car bombs, roadside bombs and mortars. Those operations coincided with another ugly plan of the blasphemers and their followers in displacing poor people from their houses under the threat of breaking the Iraqi people's unity. Condemning this plot is not enough to confront it. We have to work hard on religious, parliamentary and political levels to stop it. These crimes proved that those criminal gangs want to target all Iraqis. This is because Iraqis resisted attempts to spark a sectarian war and backed their politicians in forming the national unity government that will work to defeat the alliance of the blasphemers and Ba'athists. We call on all political blocs and groups to unite for the interests of Iraq by rejecting disagreements and doing their best to form the new government. We have to be one hand, one heart and hold one position. This is what the terrorists fear because it means they will be finished and Iraq will remain strong and united.
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